贝里尼歌剧:清教徒 Vincenzo Bellini - I Puritani 2009 BD蓝光原盘 1080i H264 - 41.25GB

贝里尼歌剧:清教徒 Vincenzo Bellini - I Puritani 2009 BD蓝光原盘 1080i H264 - 41.25GB

Исполнители: Juan Diego Flórez (Lord Arturo Talbot), Nino Machaidze (Elvira), Ildebrando D’Arcangelo (Sir Giorgio Valton), Ugo Guagliardo (Lord Gualtiero Valton), Gabriele Viviani (Sir Riccardo Forth), Gianluca Floris (Sir Bruno Roberton) & Nadia Pirazzini (Enrichetta di Francia), Coro del Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Michele Mariotti
Описание: In this high-definition film of Bellini’s historical bel-canto drama, I Puritani, tenor superstar Juan Diego Flórez is partnered by new young Georgian soprano Nino Machaidze, in her first appearance on Decca DVD. Joining them in a striking new staging by Pier’Alli at the Teatro Comunale di Bologna is celebrated bass baritone, Ildebrando D’Arcangelo. The context is England’s Civil War between the Roundheads (the ‘Parliamentarians’ or ‘Puritans’ of the title) and the Cavaliers (Royalists). A love triangle between Arturo (a Puritan), Riccardo (a Royalist) and the beautiful Elvira results in a drama of escapes, disguises and captures, during which Elvira loses her reason, before a final pardon restores her senses and unites her with her beloved Arturo. This new production benefits from the use of a new critical addition, with significant added material i.e. all the music that Bellini wrote for the opera. It makes this release, apart from the excellent cast, even more interesting for the opera lover.

指挥:Michele Mariotti
乐队:Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna
合唱:Coro del Teatro Comunale di Bologn
Juan Diego Flórez (Lord Arturo Talbot), Nino Machaidze (Elvira), Ildebrando D’Arcangelo (Sir Giorgio Valton), Ugo Guagliardo (Lord Gualtiero Valton), Gabriele Viviani (Sir Riccardo Forth), Gianluca Floris (Sir Bruno Roberton) & Nadia Pirazzini (Enrichetta di Francia),

下载价格7 鲸币


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